Welcome to
Good Samaritan Catholic College
Good Samaritan Catholic College is a community committed to holistic education.
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Mission Statement
Good Samaritan Catholic College is a diverse, dynamic community confident in the call to develop the gifts of love, justice, mercy, generosity and compassion through the education of young people. We embrace an educational partnership with home and parish which strives to foster compassionate action within our students in their life journey. As a Catholic College, we respond to Christ’s challenge to ‘become neighbour’ and move beyond one’s self, as modelled in the parable of the Good Samaritan. We do this by:
Encountering God:
We guide our students to a discovery of the One True Living God through scripture, prayer, liturgy, tradition and parish communities by expanding the Good Samaritan parable so students encounter the real person of Christ.
Promoting Educational Excellence:
We empower students to reach their potential and become lifelong learners through the development of independent and creative thinking within a contemporary context.
Nurturing Individual Growth:
We acknowledge the individuality and dignity of all members of our community and value their gifts. We want all to embrace their uniqueness in God’s creation, to grow into the most full person possible and so with confidence become a light to the world.
Being a Samaritan:
We stir within students and all members of our community a choice to see the face of Christ in all people and be a Samaritan, by leading lives built upon love, justice, mercy, compassion and service.
History and Facilities
Good Samaritan Catholic College was established in 1999 as a co-educational college and began with 99 Year 7 students. It has grown in size through the years and has a current enrolment in 7-12 of approximately 1300 students.
The College was officially Blessed and Opened on Sunday, 12th September 1999 by Bishop David Cremin.
The attached picture shows Br Kelvin Canavan and a group of our first student cohort in 1999.
The College was designed to initially be built in 5 stages. The original building program was finalised on the 22nd September 2006. It comprised of Administration/Staff Areas, General Learning Areas, a Science Block, Library, a Performing Arts Complex, Basketball/Tennis Courts and Technology & Applied Sciences facilities.
Good Samaritan Catholic College has continued to grow in size, and a number of specialist buildings have been constructed since the original building program. In 2010, the College Hall was officially opened. The hall is one of the biggest in the region which allows for a number of sporting, performing arts and formal presentations to be held to an audience of over 1000 people. The Hall complex is connected to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel where mass is celebrated on Fridays. The Chapel is considered the heart of the College where it is open for all students to pray during recess and lunch.
The St Joseph Trades Skills Centre was built in 2015, and it boasts an extensive range of vocational education courses offered to students. Its facilities include a fully working automotive workshop, hospitality and childcare training centres, and a large industrial kitchen and function room.
2020 saw a number of facilities upgraded to cater for the needs of our students. The old 'T Block' was upgraded to a new double-storey MacKillop Centre which has state-of-the-art learning tools and technologies in its classrooms. An expansive 'Learning Bridge' with open-plan learning spaces and a lift connects the centre with the existing Chisholm Centre which allows for students to efficiently move from one class to another during the day.
Students come from the surrounding Parishes of Hoxton Park/Hinchinbrook, Austral and Lurnea. Feeder schools include St Therese Sadleir/Miller, St Francis Xavier, Lurnea and Good Shepherd Hoxton Park. The College population is made up of many different backgrounds, 75% of the population being from language backgrounds other than English.

The College Motto
Journeying with Compassion...
The College motto 'Journeying with Compassion' challenges the community to join together and journey in Catholic Education. A strong emphasis on pastoral care is a feature of the College, as is challenging each individual to achieve their personal best in all aspects of College life.
The College Crest
In "Journeying with Compassion", we live the Gospel message of Good Samaritan Catholic College. Our context in this journey is threefold:
We live in the Land of the Southern Cross. Therefore, we are able to journey with our neighbours who come from so many backgrounds; the Australian Aboriginal peoples as well as peoples from every country in the world. Within a context of such diversity we rightly pray, 'let us be one' (John 17:21)
Our second context is The Journey of the Cross. Our baptism calls us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus in all the circumstances of our daily living and learning. As a faith community, we believe not only in the power of the Cross, but also in the victory of the resurrection which awaits us all.
The hands reaching out provide our third context. They call to mind the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37) in which the good samaritan who chose to be "moved with compassion", acted as a real neighbour to the traveller who was left for dead. We always journey with others, and often with people who need a helping hand. Our situation at Good Samaritan Catholic College as a faith community, places us in a position to reach out to all, especially those within our community.