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General Information


Below are information resources for students and parents/carers. Navigate through the resources by selecting the topic tab.

A-Z Information for Parents and Students

Absence: Entering a parent approval for an unexplained absence

If your son/daughter is absent, you will receive an SMS message from Compass letting you know. To explain the absence:

In the My News section of the Compass home screen, look for the notice; Attendance: Attendance Note Required. Click on the link just below the notice.

The unexplained attendance tab then opens:

  1. Tick the boxes on the left hand side to select each attendance requiring approval

  2. Press the Explain with Note Approval button

The Attendance Note Editor window opens:

  1. Select a reason for absence

  2. Enter a brief description of the absence

  3. Press Save


Absence from Assessment

  1. Phone the school so that your teachers can be notified.

  2. On your return to school, complete an illness/misadventure form available from the College office and submit your assessment task with the completed form and any appropriate documentation such as a doctors certificate to the student office.

Accident or Illness

Students who become ill during the day must report to their Pastoral Care teacher or if they are unavailable, to the appropriate Pastoral Care Coordinator. Minor injuries are treated at school. If necessary, an ambulance will be called. Staff will contact parents/ guardians if students need to go home. (Students are not to contact parents using their mobile phones directly.)

After School Detention

  • After school detentions are held in room B2 on Wednesday from 2.45pm – 3.45pm and on Friday from 2.45pm - 4.15pm.

  • Those on detention - Both the student and parent will receive an email notification.

  • Parents are responsible for the transport home of students who have been on detention.

  • Students who do not attend detention will not return to class until the relevant Pastoral Care Coordinator has made contact with the Parent or Guardian.


Students are expected to be in attendance at school every day and participate in all activities, retreats, sports days, and pastoral care days, etc. If a student will be absent from school for six or more days for a reason other than medical, and they are aware of this in advance, they are required to apply for an Exemption from School. This needs to be submitted to the College Office with a letter outlining the nature

of the absence. The letter should be addressed to The Principal. Applications for Exemptions from School must be submitted on the form available from the College Office and must be submitted at least 4 weeks before the planned absence.

Bullying and Harassment

The school has a zero tolerance policy towards bullying and harassment as each student at the College has the right to feel safe. For that reason, any student who is in any way involved in an incident of bullying or harassment of another student, will be dealt with accordingly. Bullying or harassment of another student will not be tolerated. Students who experience any form of bullying should inform their

teachers. Any cyber bullying outside of school hours, parents are encouraged to report the issue to the eSafety Commissioner or for serious matters, the police. The Sydney Catholic Schools Anti Bullying Policy can be accessed on the school website.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum causes an enormous amount of damage to uniforms and school property. For this reason it is banned.

College Newsletter

The newsletter forms a vital communication link between school and home as it contains items of relevance for students and parents. The newsletter link is made available on Compass.




Counselling can be arranged through the school for students who need assistance. Students can arrange for an appointment to talk to the School Counsellor through their Pastoral Care Coordinator.



Early Departure

Students should:

  • Bring a parental note stating why and when they need to depart.

  • Show the note to their Pastoral Care teacher; keep the note.

  • When leaving class, show the note to their class teacher.

  • Report to the Office and sign out through Compass.




Electronic Devices and Smart Phones

  • Students who choose to bring electronic devices to school do so in the knowledge that the school cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of these items. This includes devices that are left in change rooms, clothing or lockers.

  • Students are not permitted to use their mobile phones / mobile devices during school time. Students and parents should familiarise themselves with the Use of Mobile Devices / Phones policy that is found in the above topic tab.

  • The College reserves the right to confiscate any device that is used inappropriately or breaches the ICT Acceptable User Agreement which has been signed by all students. The device will be locked in the College safe.

Hands-Off Policy

To ensure interactions between students are appropriate and safe the College has adopted a “hands-off” policy. In cases where physical

violence is involved students will normally be suspended, and an interview conducted with both student and parent before student returns.

Illegal Substances– cigarettes, vaping, drugs and alcohol

The possession, use or distribution of vapes, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs is prohibited at school, school activities and when wearing school uniform. Parents will be notified of the breach of this rule. Students who are in the company of others who break this rule will be regarded as equally guilty in aiding and supporting those smoking or vaping. The school reserves the right to take the most severe disciplinary action with any student involved in any of the aforementioned activities.


Late Arrival

If there is no justified reason, students are to tap in at the kiosk. If there is a reason for the lateness (with a note of explanation from a parent), this is to be given to the Office staff to be entered as an explained late.



Students in Years 7-8 will be assigned a personal locker. The locker remains the property of the College and if necessary the student may be requested to open the locker for inspection at any time. While a locker is on loan to a student, it is the student’s responsibility to keep the locker clean and locked for security. Students are asked to provide their own lock for their locker. The College is not responsible for the contents of a locker and will not take any responsibility for loss, damage or theft of the contents.



Loss of Opal Card

Contact bus company or government agency for organisation of new opal card.




If students are required to regularly take medication whilst at school, they should fill out the appropriate paperwork available at the office. The medication should be stored in the office.



Parent/ Teacher/ Student Interviews

Parent/Teacher/Student interviews are held during semester one and semester two as per the school calendar. These events are given high priority in the school year as they provide opportunities for parents and staff to meet and discuss each student’s progress. The interview session runs as advertised and operates on 5-minute time slots.



Prohibited Items

Students must not be in possession of or use any dangerous or illegal items whilst travelling to and from school, at school or on organised school activities. This includes laser pointers, fireworks, knives and weapons. The school reserves the right to take the most severe disciplinary action with any student who uses or possesses these items. Other items are also prohibited due to the damage they can cause to the environment. These include aerosol cans, liquid paper and thick textas.



School Fees

Preferred method for payment of fees is via BPay, Centrepay or over the phone using a credit card (Mastercard or Visa). If you are paying Cash then please ensure that money is sealed in an envelope with your child’s name, Pastoral Care class and description (what it is for e.g. School Fees) clearly printed on the front. Envelopes must be placed in the Fees Box in the Office.



Sport / Activities

All students are expected to take part in the sporting activity program of the College. When unable to participate they should:

  1. Have a parent write a note stating the reason.

  2. Show note to the PC teacher during PC in the morning.

  3. At the start of Sport, report to the classroom nominated by the Sport Coordinator.



Trading at School

Students are not to purchase items from, swap, or sell items to other students on school grounds.




Students travelling on public transport are expected to move between home and the College directly, catching the first available bus, not waiting for friends or breaking their journey. On arrival at the College, students must move into the supervised areas. Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds once they have arrived at the College.

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