Travelling to the College
Good Samaritan Catholic College is conveniently serviced by a number of public transport services.
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Travelling by Bus
The School Student Transport Scheme gives eligible students free or subsidised travel between home and school on approved train and bus services. The scheme requires students to have a current Student Opal Card.
Don't have an Opal Card?
Students who do not currently have a Student Opal Card can apply online at https://apps.transport.nsw.gov.au/ssts/. This needs to be completed well in advance prior to travel on these services as application processing times will vary.
Starting at GSCC and already have an Opal Card?
Students with an existing Student Opal Card need to ensure that they update their details so that their current card is not cancelled. To update details for an existing Student Opal Card, go to https://apps.transport.nsw.gov.au/ssts/updateDetails and go to the update details/make application for the new year's entitlement. Applications for changes need to be made by mid-December of that year to ensure that your child's entitlement is updated and the current card is not cancelled.
Trip Planning and Service Information
Transit Systems operates school bus services for Good Samaritan Catholic College. For further information, including updated bus timetables, please go to https://www.transitsystems.com.au/nsw-schools-index
Lost Property
The easiest and most efficient way to report a lost personal item is by visiting transportnsw.info. Alternatively, you can call Transit Systems on 8778 5800.

Travelling by Car
Students can be dropped off and picked up in the bus bay. Cars are not to enter the electric entry gates to the left of the roundabout unless authorised. Please be aware, however, that the bus bay is very busy in the morning. It is requested that parents drop off their son/daughter at the far end of the bus bay to ease congestion.
In the afternoon, there are a large number of school buses needing to access the bus bay. As a result, cars are NOT permitted to enter the bus bay until after 3:10pm - school buses take precedence during the afternoon pickup. For safety reasons, cars are also NOT permitted to enter the school's electric entry gates between 2:40pm and 3:10pm without a valid reason.